Hi there! This post includes my finds from last Sunday, as well as a few miscellaneous items. I went to a few thrifts - mainly Goodwill, and also St. Vincent De Paul. I think I found some good things!
Oh, and I made banana chocolate chip muffins. Yummy.
I found this little cutie at a Goodwill for $1.99. She's a Nyform troll from Norway, with the original booklet/tag. Her hair is pretty amazing.
I bought some gift tie ribbon...
Because of this cute reindeer pattern!
I don't know if this is vintage, but the box looked kind of older. It's a plastic tie rack with a packet of screws to mount. "Hollywood".
I finally found a regular plaid Thermos. It's in really great condition. I paid $3.00 at USA Family Thrift since it was half price off of blue tags that day.
An Anchor Hocking milk glass vase, marked Vitrock on the bottom. I like the little handles poking out.
I found this set of five glasses at Goodwill. They have a cool retro turquoise and gold design. .99 a piece, but I had a $5.00 off coupon so they were basically free. There was a sixth glass, but it was broken. It would have been nice to have the whole set!
I got this at an estate sale for $2.00 - it was half price day.
I got these chalkware plaques at the same estate sale for .75 cents each. They have a few chips, but chalkware is rarely found perfect. I liked their rosy cheeks.
Another one of these gold/black arrow-type glasses.
Another ice scream scoop..
I got this for .50 cents at an estate sale.
The Girl Scouts ambushed me at Walmart. Of course I had to buy some cookies.
This is my old Girl Scouts sash with most of the patches. I also have some pins somewhere, but I couldn't find them.
I remember doing the whole cookie selling thing. It was a lot of fun, though my parents probably hated having to hustle their coworkers for sales on my behalf. I do have fond memories of my girl scouting days. Every year we'd clean up litter in the parks in Spring. It's definitely a positive experience for any young girl, so it's always nice to see new girl scouts.
I found this set of 'Star Glow' dinnerware at Goodwill. The small plates and cups were .50 each, and the other larger pieces were $1.99 each. They had a few other items, but they had chips. These pieces were in excellent condition.
I can't say no to a striped glass.
Also found this set of Salem 'Pink Bamboo' dinnerware at Goodwill, with similar pricing. I was very happy to find the salt and pepper shakers!
I bought a lot of vintage dish towels on ebay.
These peach pattern dish towels have never been used!
My favorite dinnerware pattern: Franciscan Ware 'Starburst'.
I've only seen these in the wild one time, and it was at a Goodwill last summer. The employees happened to be rolling out the carts right as I walked through the doors, and I started grabbing what I could! I put a few pieces back because I didn't want to spend too much, but I totally regret doing that! I've never found this pattern again, and when I went back to see if there were any pieces left, it was all gone. I put back a sugar bowl/creamer, a gravy boat, a butter dish without the bottom, and a few plates. Another shopper also knew the pattern, and he snapped up some of them too. Oh well. I'm happy with what I did get. I love the divided bowl and the salt and pepper shakers.
Cute plastic salt and pepper shakers.
These little bears were at Goodwill for .50 cents each. They fit in well in my kitchen!