Friday, May 26, 2017

Memorial Day vaca

Howdy! I'm finally on my 5 day vacation. It's been such a busy few months at work, so I'm grateful to be able to wind down a little bit. I'm heading up to northern Wisconsin later today with the family. It's supposed to rain most of the time, but it will be nice to get away for a few days. Hopefully I'll find some goodies as well, since St. Germain has their big flea market on Monday! I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend! 

Here's a few items I've found over the past couple of weeks. It's been slim pickings at the thrifts. I feel like I keep getting there too late and everything has been picked over. Just on Tuesday I stopped at a Goodwill on the way to work and I saw a lady grab a turquoise Pyrex mixing bowl for $2.99! Gah! I'm so unlucky when it comes to Pyrex. I rarely find the really good pieces, and when I do they are either dishwasher damaged or chipped. I really want to find Pyrex Eyes, Atomic Starburst, Constellations,  and some of the snowflake patterns, but either the black/turquoise colored ones - I have so many of the white pieces with the blue snowflakes. Meh. Maybe I'll find something on vacation. 

Oh, and I'm on Instagram now, so please check that out. :-)

I found this on Facebook Marketplace. It was sold to me by a nice local lady. I've been looking for this for a long time! I collect the Tom & Jerry eggnog bowls, so this Hazel Atlas "Dots" set will fit in just fine! The lady said that she has had it for over 15 years and has only used it once. She had a pretty swanky apartment too - she had one of those mid-century modern bar/cabinets with the glass panel that lights up. Cool!

I can never leave a pony behind. Especially not for .50 cents each! 

It's never too early from some vintage Christmas. The teddy bear has a 'Made in Japan' sticker on the back and it has a really weird longer leg. Yikes.

Shiny Brites and Polish glass ornaments.

 Juice glasses and an old wooden cheese box. They work great for displaying items.

This is an old Ball jar. I liked the cover - cute!

A vintage Halloween noisemaker to add to my collection.

I stopped at an estate sale last weekend. It was a very rainy day and there were no other shoppers there, which was strange. The 3 workers were sitting in the living room eating lunch - that's always a little awkward, right? I checked out the bedroom, which was filled with boxes of jewelry and thought to myself, "I better check to see if they have any Bakelite." I never find any, but I still check. So I see all these bangles in a box at the back corner of the room. I knew immediately that a few of them were Bakelite, but grabbed them all up just to be safe. 

So I make my way back to the living room and ask, "How much for the plastic bracelets?" The guy says, ".10 cents a piece." !!!!!!! I tested all of them with Simichrome, and this stack is all Bakelite. I especially love the orange ones!

These aren't Bakelite, but they are nice, heavy, and clanky.

 I found these at Goodwill. It's a little army of Gurley candles!

I have a thing for vintage kitchen tools with wooden handles. I went to an estate sale where the owner was an ex flea market dealer. She had boxes and boxes of these in the basement, and it was half price day! So .50 cents each!

This had the original label. 

I also found a few boxes of vintage cards there. I love the graphics/boxes.

Same estate sale. The Androck sifter's handle is broken, but I loved the little flower decals. I saw this at an antique mall a few weeks ago for $10.00. I only paid $2.00. :-)

Strainers for days.

There's a sweet woman that goes to the weekly flea market that's close to my house. She told me that she cleans out estates after the major sales take place and saves what she can. And her prices are amazing! I only paid .25 per book. She also has containers of vintage fabrics and tablecloths for dirt cheap too. 

Bambi's Children! 

I bought this on Ebay. I had ordered a similar one from a sale on Instagram, but was super disappointed that it was a reproduction Patty o' Green doll from Rainbow Brite. This one is the real deal, and she is in such excellent condition for something over 35 years old!

I did find one good piece of Pyrex a few weeks ago at Goodwill. It has some dishwasher damage, but I scrubbed it clean and put a little olive oil on it. That did the trick!

 The green Shawnee deer is watching you with his scary red eyeballs.  

I bought a purse to match my kitchen table and new Fiestaware pitcher. Ya gotta match!

Bambi... I couldn't leave him behind. He's so soft!

New vintage soda bottles.

 My bathroom towel rack.

Mr. Whale! He squeaks too!

Finally, I'm super into flamingos right now. My bathroom is flamingo central.

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