Sunday, February 5, 2017

February = pink stuff

Hey all. Been awhile. I have been too busy to post pictures, especially with the craziness of the holidays! I'm going to try to make it a habit to post more though. It's been cold here in Wisconsin this past week. The weather keeps jumping from mild to freezing, rain to snow. We're having a strange winter. I'm looking forward to spring time! I miss the garage sales and estate sales. I've still been going to the thrifts pretty regularly, but the shelves are definitely not as packed as the spring and summer months. I've also been to a few decent estate sales here and there. I went to an estate sale yesterday and it was filled to the brim with McCoy and Shawnee pottery. I bought quite a bit, because the prices were great. This was actually the second weekend for this sale - I've been there three times already! I was #1 on the sign up sheet yesterday too, so I was able to grab a few more planters that I didn't get last week. I'll have to make a separate post for the pottery though. Anyway, here's a few pictures of random Valentine's decoration, and some little items that I've recently acquired.

The top of my kitchen corner cabinet. It's definitely pink/red. I bought the Holt Howard kitties at the pottery estate sale. They were priced at $27.00 for the pair, but thankfully it was 1/2 price day! Unfortunately their squeakers are not working, but they are in otherwise excellent condition!

 Some of my vintage Valentines. I just bought the cute pirate one. :-)

A neat German-made wind up wall clock that my Aunt gave to me. The only problem is you have to not be lazy and actually wind it up every other day for it to keep proper time. 

Adorable California pottery Gilner elf cookie jar. It's not marked, but I have a few other Gilner elf pieces, and that it what this looks like to me (the little green acorn hat!). $3.99 at Goodwill. I filled it with cookies the other day, and when I went to eat one last night the cookies were all soft and crumbly! I don't know if it was the cookie brand, or if the seal on the lid isn't good. Well, it's still cute, cookies or no cookies.

My living-room display cabinet. As you can see, a lot of pottery lives there. The pastels are so lovely. I also have a few vintage Valentine's day post cards as well as a random troll doll. I was desperate.. I don't have many Valentine's day decorations!

I do have a few melted popcorn plastic decorations for the occasion though! I also have some hanging in my front window - cupids and hearts. I think I have melted popcorn plastic for every holiday!

 Vintage Royal Beauties birthday cards. .99 cents at Goodwill for the entire box!

 I like old card boxes.

I got this cute kitty tin at an estate sale. I think the woman running the sale actually just gave it to me for free. 

 I liked it because of the graphics running along the side of the tin. 

 Bottom of the tin.
Roly Poly made in Japan Santa. I bought him last week at Goodwill for .99. He's too sweet! 

Vintage New Year's napkins. I have a weird thing for paper items - paper tablecloths, napkins, cards, post cards..

And that's it for now. I solemnly promise to post more pictures soon. :)

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